Remi Anna Pecora - Bike Fit

Remi Anna Pecora has been working in the bike industry since 2004 and professionally bike fitting since 2013. She is both Specialized Body Geometry and Retul certified, as well as Trek Precision Fit certified. Remi Anna is the owner and bike fitter at Naked Cycling, LLC and she previously worked in tandem with a physical therapist in Northern Virginia. She attends body movement seminars regularly, and practices pilates and yoga, as she is always working to grow her understanding of the body and how it moves both on and off of the bike.

She sees bike fitting as an opportunity to not only adjust a bike to fit the rider, but to also educate the rider about how their body moves on the bike and ways to improve their cycling experience through off the bike work. On the weekends you can find her tending to her garden, hiking, or reading...when she’s not riding her bike, of course!